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Thank You For Allowing Me To Guide You On Your Journey of Self-Care With Face Yoga

Single Session*: $40
*A session is 45 minutes, within 60 minute blocks
- 1 person
- 30 minutes face yoga
- 15 minutes additional consultation
Group Session*: $140
*A session is 45 minutes, within 60 minute blocks
- Group is 2 to 5 persons
- 30 minutes face yoga
- 15 minutes additional consultation

“It always seems impossible, until it is done.”
~ Nelson Mandella ~

Without Face Yoga
Why does my face need exercise?
Typically it can be harder to see negative changes in your face than in your body. Often we will hear people saying “I need to lose some weight,“ “I need to get back into shape,” etc. However, what about your face? Don’t you think it deserves some attention also?
What are the benefits of practicing face yoga?
Excellent question! We all know that exercise is good for you. When you exercise your body, you feel good. When you exercise, more oxygen travels throughout your body and to your brain so you are more focused and clear, while at the same time more relaxed. Moreover, you will see many mental, and physical benefits.
With Face Yoga
How long before I see results?
Most people see results within the first two weeks, it depends on the amount of time and energy you put into your practice. It is important to take a before picture, so that you can see the results over time.
Do I have to do all the poses every day?
No you do not, make sure to practice for at least 5 minutes every day, focusing on the area’s you would like to improve. If you have a specific concern, you can practice poses for that problem area. For best results, do a little bit of practice every day instead of a long practice once in a while.
What if I can’t move my face muscles?
Practice! Practice! Practice! Practice makes perfect. Once you get comfortable with the poses, and get the feel of moving your face muscles, it will start to feel like a natural thing to do.
When should I practice face yoga?
Ideally twice a day: first thing in the morning and right before going to bed. When you practice face yoga poses in the morning, it wakes up the muscles and makes you more aware of facial movements throughout the day. Practicing the poses before going to bed relaxes the face muscles and the mind, helping you to get a good night sleep. You can also practice your poses in everyday life, you can practice while you are driving, cooking, watching TV and even in the shower. Make practicing your poses a habit.
Will I get wrinkles by practicing face yoga?
No, the point of practicing face yoga with a certified face yoga teacher is to guide you and make sure you are performing the poses correctly. It is good to use a mirror when you first start learning and practicing your face yoga poses to make sure you are using the correct muscles, and moving them correctly.
Everyone in my family has a double chin it runs in the family can I still get results on my chin practicing face yoga?
Yes, definitely! Your parents face is definitely an indication of what you might see in the future, my family has double chins and I have been able to avoid developing a double chin practicing face yoga. You really can prevent problems before they manifest on your face by identifying facial movements that are going to cause unwanted wrinkles in the future, correcting them and building the muscles in those area’s up correctly. Practicing face yoga, your future face will thank you!!
How long do I have to hold each pose?
When you learn the poses your instructor will teach you how long to hold your pose. Some poses take three breaths and others make be longer or shorter. Unless otherwise noted, hold up to five breaths.
I get some pain/discomfort when I do certain poses. What should I do?
Always listen to your body and face. You may need to slow down or perform less repetitions. Also, make sure that you are breathing deeply and focusing on the muscles you are using to perform the poses while relaxing the rest. Always remember if something does not feel right trust your intuition.

Your face muscles represent 60% of your face form.
Then there is 20% skin, 10% fat & 10% bone.
Client Testimonials
(Note: hover over testimonial to pause for reading)